Is the current RS worth coming back to?

Bắt đầu bởi MMOruki · 0 Trả lời


4 yrs

Đã đăng: 3 yrs
This attack is quite rare, fortunately. The Al-Kharid bank is very near, but RuneScape gold if you really can't stand walking, bring a charged Amulet of Glory; teleport to Edgeville and lender (should you want to bank more than twice, which is unlikely, you can also take a new Amulet), then teleport back to Al-Kharid. Anyway, fantastic luck!

But thats way too much detail to performing most jobs. I prefer the minimal detail with most everything away for best game play with less distractions of shadows,floor detail and other stuff thats just helpful for being a touristdestination. Is there an alternative I missed to resolve this issue on my end? Or is that just another fine upgrade jagex did on purpose to fuzz up my game play choice? The previous time around there was an option left to revert into the lager viewable place. I am not able to find this time around. I dont find any other complaints about this yet. Either im the only one running safe manner or ppl are waiting to determine if jagex might correct this latest bug?

Is the manual installment set to high? That would be HD and it works excellent - lesser modes are secured in small screen. Ahh problem solved - it seems lagex added yet more attributes to what's been miss named"safe mode". Another choice to choose resolution was added into safe manner itself that requires you scrolling down to find it [beneath cursing on/off]. It appears they have their very own definition of protected manner. An individual may think safe mode to be minimum - but maybe not in jagex world - those women have their own way of doing things. Its their point of view in their own world and we users are left on our own to determine how they decide to do things. After all im just a client,No have to be bothered by members - lol.

Well, I'm kinda stuck inside this idea of being a member again and again starting RS up again. I just don't know yet, so here is a list of what I could think of for that which I saw coming after 3 years of not playingI'm lvl 95. All my stuff is member's stuff. I haven't played in 3+ years. I have enough willow logs for to 99 fletching. I don't have any gold (except for 10k, but that's poor man's money ). What exactly would you think, should I start playing again, or if I don't and perform something like WoW (I typically have 1 MMORPG to stay with, I may just do WoW and RS, but idk)? Is the current RS worth coming back to?

To be entirely honest with you, not really. Jagex has released a new skill which is, for the most part, less than what everyone expected. This year has been largely high level upgrades that wouldn't actually affect you too much. By playing, you will probably get hooked and waste a fantastic portion of your spare time. Later, it is tough to buy rs3 gold quit playing.
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