Cecil Bee's Sam

Startet af Monica Mardain · 0 Svar
Udsendt: 4 år
Sam had a shocking secret but Abby did not know...

The sun rose on the lonely split level and shined through the slit of the basement window. Abby's alarm went off, but she was already awake and in uniform. It was Friday. She ate breakfast and sped off to work.

She wasn't beautiful or ugly and had forgettable features: wavy brown hair, brown eyes, a roundish face and on the heavier end of the average body mass index. Most who didn't speak with her regularly forgot she ever existed. This perplexed her.

She arrived 10 minutes early to work, like normal. John stood in his usual spot around this time, checking the store's merchandise for any problems and making an inventory. He was the store owner's son and seem very uninterested in being there. Abby gave an energetic wave which he ignored and continued his business. She went to the back and put her personal items away in her cubby. She then waited.

Not long after, Sam arrived. Although she was 9 years older than Abby, they had quickly become friends. Abby struggled to make friends throughout high school. Sam claimed she didn't have many friends either. This baffled Abby. Sam was not only easy to talk to, but she was attractive. She was tall and stout but alluring in her own way. Her beauty had dazzled many men but none lived up to her standard.

Abby gave Sam a big hug, pillowing into her supple breast. Sam returned the embrace. Abby sensed Sam smelling her hair. She had grown accustomed to Sam's oddities. Abby breathed in Sam's essence herself, enjoying the company of another human. She wished her own mother would hug her like this. After a short time, they let go.

"So, how was yesterday? John said you called in sick." Amy said. Sam gave a gentle smile.

"Indeed, I had a bad stomach was afraid it would be contagious. The doctor said it was fine, so here I am." She responded. Her voice sounded like honey to Abby's ears. Abby wished her own voice was as pleasant. Someone she knew had described it as frogish. Although it was an accurate description, it still hurts her feelings.

"I hope you're feeling better."

"I am, thank you." The manager then burst in the room.

"Come on guys, we got to work." John said in a monotone. He's as excited as Abby, who grumbled at the news. Sam silently followed.

The day traveled on and ended. She said goodbye to Sam and headed home. A melancholy weekend laid in front of her. She disliked work but on weekends she didn't see Sam. Sam spent her weekends with her parents in Redtown about an hour away. Abby didn't like it but she couldn't tell Sam to stay without a good reason. So many weekends she felt lonely.

When Abby arrived, her parents sat in their normal places. Her father was in his good chair in front of the TV. Her mother was on the couch knitting.

"Hi," Abby called but neither answer. She opened the fridge and pulled out the pizza box on the top shelf. Inside were four pieces left. She took two. "So how was your day?" She asked.

"Fine." Responded her mother.

"Really? What have you guys been up to?" She continued. Her mother didn't respond. She took a bite. "Ok, well it was nice talking. I'm going downstairs now. I love you." She waited for the response. Her mother continued her knitting. Abby gave a heavy sigh and turned away.

She sat in the dark for a while before turning on the TV. Flip flip flip, she went through the channels until she found the one she liked.

'Oh darling, don't leave me alone.'

'Don't worry Sally, I will always be here with you.'

'Oh no you won't, that's my daughter!'

'Father NO!'

'Our love will never fade, even if you try to take her away.'

Abby sucked in each line. Every emotion showed on her face. This continued for a long while until she turned the TV off. A sense of loneliness overcame her. She wishes for someone to be there but she is alone.

Alone... she looks around. She listens but everyone in the house is asleep. The family room couch squeaks as she lays back. Her hand creeps below. She rubs gently at first but increases the speed. She feels her pink flower open to the sensation. Abby slows again then slides a thin finger in. She then strokes inside finding the parts kept hidden. Another finger. She guards the soft moan trying to escape. Abby bites her bottom lip. She couldn't be too loud without disturbing her parents. Her father wouldn't wake but her mother slept light.

A sound! She stops and listens intently. Only the wind. She begins again, holding her breath. Soon she was back. All thoughts of capture left her mind.

Faster and faster she went. Her legs became weak and only pleasure filled her mind. She felt it coming from deep inside. She goes faster. Her head whips back and she silently screams. Then she stops. Her body felt like it was burning up, and she had a light sweat around her. She laid there a while listening to the silence. She then pulls her pants back up and heads to the shower. The rest of the night was uneventful.

Morning came and Abby laid in bed staring at her phone. The air felt heavy and her heart heavier. She hated Saturdays. In her isolation, she sent a text to Sam: 'Wus up'

'Nothing much. I just got to my parent's house. Doesn't seem like much will go on. How about you?' Sam replied.

'im good' 'does that mean we can talk'

'Probably, but if something comes up I will try to let you know.'

'GREAT!! im free all day' Abby waits a bit. She wonders what takes too long. Ding! She sees the reply. A picture of a dog.

'This is Duke. He's king around here.' Abby smiles, but her heart clenches.


'I won't tell him you called him cute, he prefers to be called handsome. ;)'

'men are so picky sometimes'

'And women aren't?'

'hahaha i guess your right'

'So... between men and women, whom do you prefer?'

'YOU ;D' 'i don't really care either way' A break. Abby rolls to the other side of her bed in anticipation for the response. She doesn't have the patience. 'what about you?' She waits.

'My family says hello. They said they would like to meet you sometime.'

'REALLY! i would love that'

'You don't know what your getting yourself into.'

'hahaha' 'it cant be worse than what i have'

'You don't know my family.' Sam sends a picture of a boy. 'My brother says hi. Also, I have to go. Sorry.'

'ok love you <3' Waiting... waiting... waiting...

'I love you too.'

'before you go when do you get back on sunday?' No response came. Abby scrolled through the previous messages longingly.

The long weekend passed slowly. Monday morning came and Abby was in a jolly mood. She waited for Sam in the back. Sam came 3 minutes late. She seemed less dignified and more absentminded. Abby ran up and embraced her but Sam wriggled free. Abby thought she saw a blush of pink in her face.

"Are you not feeling well again?" Abby asks. She reaches up to put her hand on Sam's high head. Sam removes it firmly.

"No, I'm fine." She replied.

"That's good." Abby gives a big smile and looks into Sam's celestial gaze. Sam averts her eyes.

"I have to get some things done." Sam darts out before Abby can respond. Abby stands there dumbfounded. Something was wrong, and she would find out what it was.

"Hello there!" Abby called to John, who stood idly behind the checkout counter. He ignored her, hoping she would go away. "Has Sam seemed odd today?"

"No." He responded curtly.

"I could have sworn something was wrong.

"Besides you, she hardly talks to anyone. How would I know if something is wrong?"

"Why not?"

"Cause we don't talk!" He rolled his eyes.

"No, I mean why doesn't she talk to anyone else?" He shrugged in reply. Abby thinks about this. "Well, if you notice anything, tell me."

"Sam's business is Sam's business. If she wants you to know, then she will tell you." He responded. She realized he was right, but didn't want to accept it.

"You're right, I will leave it alone." She said more to herself than him.

The day dragged on and Abby wouldn't stop mulling over the possibilities. She didn't even focus on the television. She worried and worried but got no closer to finding the answer. Unknown to Abby, the secret Sam kept well hidden would destroy their current relationship...

The next day, Abby is up bright and early. All thought of the previous day vanishes in the sunlight. She woke up with a marvelous mood, lasting all the way to work. She gives John a jolly hello, but he doesn't respond. Abby continues on to the back. There she posts up for Sam's arrival.

Sam arrives late. Abby could hear the soft tap of her shoes as she came close. Sam opened the door and her flowery scent filled the air. Abby wrapped her arms around Sam's slim waist but not for long. Sam removed herself from the embrace. Abby saw she still wasn't herself. Her confident beauty was clouded. Abby stopped herself from asking what was wrong.

'Sam's business is Sam's business,' she thought to herself, 'If Sam wants me to know what is going on then she will tell me.' She knew it was true, but different thought crept up from behind. 'What if Sam can't?' 'What if Sam is in trouble and she doesn't want me to know.' 'What if someone is stopping her from telling me.' Then reason came back. 'Sam's business is...' She didn't finish the thought.

"Is something wrong?" Abby cried, stopping Sam from ducking out. Sam stops in her tracks. A beat. Sam turns and gives a false smile.

"No, everything is fine." She responds.

"Are you sure? You have been acting strange since yesterday."

"Time to work." John popped his head in. Sam bolted. They left Abby with her assumptions. The rest of the day Sam kept busy and avoided her.

When Abby got home, she slumped into the couch. She blinked quickly to hold back the tears. Her heart ached. She gave herself a tight hug to ease the pain, but the pain got worse. Wet tears trickled down her face and into her lap. Her weakness angered her. She gave herself a sharp slap but the tears only rolled faster. Her anger dissipated. 'Why wouldn't Sam talk to her?' 'Did she not like her anymore?' 'Did she do something to annoy her?' Negative thoughts filled her mind. Not even the television could console her.

The morning came but Abby didn't feel its joy. She was in a negative mood. She didn't wave to John as she passed. He didn't notice. She waited in the back. Her mood worsened as the minutes ticked past. 1 minute... 2 minutes... 5 minutes... 10 minutes. She wondered if Sam would show up at all. John's head popped in.

"What are you waiting for?! Sam has been working alone for a while now?" Annoyance laced his words. She ignored it. 'Sam is here!' Her mood lifted, and she raced out to see her. Sam was sweeping the isles. They caught each other's eyes but Sam looked away.

Throughout the day Abby caught Sam giving little looks but she couldn't get Sam alone. Every time she tried to talk, Sam excused herself with something else to do. First this made Abby down but then it inspired her to create a plan. She camped out within eyesight of the employee bathroom. When she saw Sam show, she made her move. Before Sam could lock the door, she barged in. Abby locked the door behind herself. Sam is trapped.

"What is wrong with you? You have been avoiding me for 3 days now." Silence. Abby waits for the response but nothing comes. Abby's face turns red, her lips flatten, and she clenches her fists. "What kind of friend just stops talking for no reason!" She shouts in anger. Silence. The red leaves her face. Her chin trembles and she stares longingly at Sam. "Just don't leave me all alone." A tear falls. Now two. "I can't take this. I don't care what it is, just don't stop talking to me." Her eyes become blurry. "I need you." She caresses Sam's blank face. "If it is me, just tell me and I will change. I will accept whatever you have to tell me." She turns her head so that their eyes meet. Sam pushes her away into the wall. Then she is on her. Shock. Sam's slender hand slides under Abby's apron and into her jeans. The fingers tickle the skin below. Sam's soft tongue licks the tears away. Then her lips. Sam kisses her, using her tongue to search Abby's inner mouth. Then as it started, it finish. Sam leaned into Abby's ear.

"I love all of you." Then she ducks out and runs, leaving Abby alone. Abby awkwardly stands in place. Fear, anger, sadness, joy, surprise, and disgust flooded her mind. Everything and yet nothing made sense. A long minute. Now her thoughts return.

Now Sam's oddities made sense. 'But why me,' she thought, 'what was so great about me.' Doubt filled her mind. 'Is Sam playing a trick?' 'No, that isn't Sam's way.' 'So why me?' The thought pulsed, but she had no answer. She moved on. 'Now what?' She knew what she wanted. 'Would Sam and I still be friends?' She realized that moment passed. They couldn't stay the same as before. It left her with two options. Accept Sam's feelings or end their relationship. She didn't think she could end their relationship. She liked Sam too much but to accept Sam's feelings. Abby had never thought of Sam like that and with relationships came and extra benefit. Her face reddened to the thought and the tingle in her crotch came. 'Sex.' Now her head was a whirl once again.

"Where is Sam?" She asked John. He was getting ready for closing.

"She said she wasn't feeling great' so she left early." He replied

"And you let her leave?"


"Did she go home?"

"I don't know?"

"Ok, can I..."

"Excuse me, young lady." Abby whipped around to see an elderly lady standing behind her. "I'm looking for the baby food. My grandson is coming into town and..."

"Just this way." She interrupted and lead the lady through the store to isle 3. "Here you are." Abby tried to escape.

"Excuse me, young lady." Abby turned back around. "Which would you suggest I buy, there are so many options?" Abby grew impatient.

"Well, this one is our best-selling." She points to a generic brand.

"But is it any good?"

"I don't know." She admitted. "I only stack the shelves and sometimes work the counter."

"Oh..." Abby tries to escape once again. "You said this brand is the best-selling but which one specifically is the best-selling?" Abby leans down and grabs the middle most one.

"This one." She hands it to the lady. Then she darts off before another question came.

The work day finished and Abby sped for Sam's apartment. It wasn't far and was within walking distance of the store. Uncommon for those parts. She ran it and came to the outside door. She hit the buzzer for apartment 6. Abby waited, huffing and puffing but the apartment stood high.

"Who is it?" Sam's gentle voice came out of the speaker.

"It's Abby, let me in." Abby almost screamed in impatience. A beat. The door buzzed.

Abby took the steps three at a time. Down the hall. Around the bend. She rasped on the door. A beat... then another. The door opens cautiously. Abby throws herself at it and lands in Sam's long arms. She pulls Sam's head down and gives her a well placed kiss: the lips. Sam's eyes bulge. Abby pulls back and stretches up to her ear.

"I accept."

Sam grabs Abby and throws her on the bed. Sam pounces. She leans over Abby. Abby can feel her heavy breaths. Abby raises her head to for a kiss. Sam blushes bright red. Abby grabs her then and rolls her onto her back. The position changes. Now Abby hovers over Sam. A wet kiss followed by a cavity search. Abby reaches her hand down but stops.

"You're going to have to lead me cause I've never done this before." Abby says. Sam averts her eyes.

"I haven't either." Sam whispers. Abby giggles.

"We both are clueless." After many kisses both awkwardly undress. Sam's eyes look lustfully over Abby's body. Abby smiles and opens her arms wide. Sam cups her breast and runs her tongue along the nipple. The feeling is strange but not unpleasant. Then Sam's tongue circles, pushing the sensitive nipple round and round. An unguarded moan passes Abby's lips. She feels Sam's hand crawl down her stomach. Sam very lightly rubs Abby's wet flower. It gushes more. Then Abby stops her.

"No." She commands and Sam stops. Abby pushes her down again. Abby copies Sam's movements. She tickles the delicate breast with her tongue. Her hand moves below. Sam opens to the playful touch. Abby rubs the exposed clitoris. A soft moan come out unguarded. Success. Abby lifts her head from Sam's breast to look in her eyes. Sam looks away in embarrassment. Abby goes fast. Another moan. She slows again. Abby slides a finger in the well-lubricated hole. Sam's eyes flutter and her mouth parts but only a squeak comes out. Abby holds it there for a bit. Then she moves it, around and around the inner folds. Sam breaths fast. Abby moves faster. Sam's body twitches and her legs squeeze but Abby doesn't stop. She goes faster. Sam's leg shakes and her eyes roll. A pleasure scream escapes her lips. Abby removes her fingers and watches intently as Sam spasms. Sam eyes roll about. Only pleasure she feels. Did she smile on her work to see... yes, she did.
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