To everyone referring to PSO2 being a money grab

Started by MMOruki · 0 Replies


4 yrs

Posted: 4 yrs
You do realize PSO2 Meseta : NG is basically an update right? It will be a continued development on the present game. NG is not even set to come out till next season, and based from the quantity of work the dev team it's putting into it and also the achievement of JP, it's looking like a 10 year game, readily. I have complained about the present costs of in game content, however the reveal of NG has made me know the reason for those prices. Don't spread the impression of this sport being a cash grab and hurt the odds of new players becoming involved based on sick conceieved opinions. Not trendy bros..

Er, look frankly. I might have passed up PSO2NA ENTIRELY when I understood they were doing this. I am not fond of a multigame model, I would rather dedicate to one spot. I am now somewhat hesitant to drop money on the sport but we'll have to see how NGS development goes.

Premium isn't style and emotes, stock space is not fashion and emotes, mags are not style and emotes. Should I go on to say to more? I mean not everyone here plays for fashion and emotes. I left those purchases imagining that SEGA would mainly place their energy into PSO2. Keyword being predominantly. I've been on PSO because the gamecube days. PSO to PSOBB is what I think is occurring, and unless the match is absolute shit, YES I can see leaving PSO2. I just prefer not to invest my money on games that appear not to be heavily focused on by the business developing/publishing them.

No my premium will not carry over will the majority of my efforts associated with it. Like how the fuck are they going to carry over whether the game isnt being released and my premium won't be active then? My mags won't be carried over. Their levels, their consequences, the effect on my stats, none of the important shit. Are you reading at all, have you done any research? This is something that quickly sums up it. PSO2:NGS is another match, any time and grinding put into PSO2 doesn't directly translate over to PSO2:NGS end of this fucking story.

If you don't think grinding for trend by purchasing it off the industry is the same thing then sure, emphasise your fucking 99% fashion is moving with you. I'm not on the side of pso2 being a cash grab, I suppose, but I do wonder how Japan got 8 years out of the and we are becoming like 8 weeks. (I know that it's not going to release jan 1 2021, but the term symmetry was simply too poetic) I would really rather question the NA release was not tied hand and buy Phantasy Star Online 2 Meseta hand with this. Even just declared at precisely the same time. It's barely been 3 months.
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