Seduction on the Ski Lift

Started by Nancy Clerk · 0 Replies
Posted: 5 yrs
"HI", I said to break the silence.

"Hi," she responded. We were midway on one of the longer lifts, headed to some good black runs.

"You don't seem very happy," I decided to be persistent. She was a very cute girl and I was alone for the day.

"I guess not," she said in a quiet voice.

"Nice day, not too cold, great snow, a super day to ski. Want to do some runs together? What do you like?"

She looked at me for a long moment, and finally smiled. "I do the blacks and I'm good. You want to try to keep up?" We exchanged names.

I was up to the challenge. A skier since I was ten, I could do them all including the double diamonds. I was also a part-time ski instructor. This should be fun. Off the lift, she went first, picking one of the mid-level black runs. I watched for a moment as she banked the moguls, nice and smooth. I started down, following her path. Partway down the run she stopped to check me out.

"Nice turns," she said before attacking the lower half of the run. We met up at the lift.

"You're good," I enthused. "So are you. Want to do some skiing together?"

"Gwen, earlier you seemed to be in a rather bad mood."

"Yeah, I guess I was. It was my damn boyfriend. We're from Denver and drove up last night. He can be so damn offish, no subtlety at all. We had an argument. Well, that's my problem. What about you? Here by yourself, I take it?"

"I just live about fifteen miles from here and try to get up every weekend and any days off I have."

"Good looking guy like you and no girlfriend to ski with?"

"Not today. I'm better than most of the girls I meet and it's not much fun to ski the easy stuff."

"But you make an exception if she's really good looking, huh?"

"Of course! So what's your boyfriend doing while you and I are skiing together?"

"He's taking snowboard lessons. Just as well, he's just an intermediate skier and it's boring to ski with him. And, besides, I'm pissed at him. He's a year older than me and putting pressure on me. I don't like it."

I guessed as to the type of pressure. We completed another run.

"It's almost noon. I agreed to meet Mike for lunch. Why don't you join us?"

"You sure?"

"Yes, with you there we won't argue."

Mike seemed like a decent enough guy but obviously resented that Gwen had invited me to join them for lunch. We made idle conversion, mostly about how his snowboard lessons were going. She was effusive about my skill which didn't endear me any more to her boyfriend. After a somewhat strained lunch Gwen and I resumed skiing. Mike watched us go, his next lesson was half-an-hour later.

"Sorry I put you in the middle of our little spat."

I was curious and asked her about her boyfriend. It seemed that they have known each other for years and started dating about a year ago.

"He's really a great guy," she claimed. She said they have fooled around but were both virgins. That was the proximate cause of their spat last night.

"It was the first time we both got naked. His cock was the first I had ever seen, it was bigger than I expected. He placed my hand on it and had me rub up and down. I knew what would happen but was still very surprised when he suddenly spurt all over my hand.

"He pulled my zipper down and rubbed my pussy through my panties. Then he pushed a finger into me. It felt really good and I guess I started to get turned on. He took my hand and placed it back on his cock which was getting hard again. He was telling me how sexy I was and that he wanted to make love to me. I came to my senses and pushed him away.

"Anyway, he got mad and called me a tease. I stormed into the bathroom and didn't come out for a long time. I wasn't about to sleep on the floor so I put on all my clothes and got back into bed.

"So you were not ready to have sex."

"You know, if he had been a little more romantic or taken it a little slower maybe I might have. We have sort of been leading up to it. God, I can't believe I'm telling you all of this. So it was just as well he is snowboarding and I am skiing today. I'm not looking forward to tonight."

"You think he might force himself on you?"

"No, he's too nice a guy to do that but I think he will certainly try to convince me to do something. God, guys can be so stupid. I suppose I could give him a blowjob. I've done it a couple of times and he liked it."

"How old are you, Gwen?"

She looked at me with a little smirk. "Guys check me out and then ask me that question. I wonder why? I'm eighteen."

"Really! I would have guess sixteen or so. You have a very young face."

"I know. People are always treating me like a kid. And how old are you?"


"You seem so much more mature than Mike. You are very attractive guy."

We tore up the slopes and returned to the lodge as the lifts closed. Her boyfriend was waiting for her and they quickly left. I met up with several friends in the bar. Alice, one of the local girls and I went back to my place.

The next morning, "Hi, John, remember me?" Gwen grabbed my arm as I waited in the lift line. "Can we ski together again?"

"Sure thing. Six inches of new snow! Should be good. I didn't know if I would see you again, but you definitely are in a better mood. If I'm not being too nosy, how did things go last night?"

"OK. I told Mike I wasn't ready for sex and didn't appreciate his pressurizing me. He apologized and we reached an accommodation. I gave him a blowjob and then slept with my panties on but no bra, and he cuddled up against me. I could feel his hard cock against my butt but he didn't try to do more. Tell me, John, have you had lots of girls?"

"Some, I've done ok."

"I'll bet you do better than just ok. Do they put out, you know, fuck?"

"Most will, some won't. I can usually tell if a girl is interested.

"What about me, would you consider me a girl who will put out?"

"You are a very nice young girl who wants to have sex but is afraid to do the deed. I imagine your boyfriend gets frustrated with your ambivalence. If I can speak frankly, you got yourself into this predicament. I mean, he invites you for a weekend of skiing. One room, one bed. You're not that naïve, you know he wanted sex but got cold feet. And now you're blaming him for being too aggressive.

"Yeah, I guess that's very true. He's really an ok guy, just horny. Several times I think I could have been persuaded . . . You are so easy to talk to, John."

We skied hard and ate at a different on-slope restaurant. Neither of us really wanted another uncomfortable lunch. By midafternoon we were skiing as a couple.

"Yesterday you asked me how old I am, you remember? Why?"

"You are an exceedingly attractive girl. If you and your boyfriend split I would ask you out and have sex with you, if I can be candid."

"So you wanted to make sure I'm legal?"

"Uh huh. How about we quit for the day and go back to my place?"

She looked at me, a decision being made. "I can't do that, Johnny. It wouldn't be fair to Mike. We go back a long way and like you said, he paid for the trip."

"I understand. How about we go out after you get back home? Next weekend, perhaps?

"I don't think so, well maybe."

It was not to be. She called to apologize and said she was still trying to work out things with her boyfriend. I was sorely disappointed since I thought that relationship died on the ski slopes. But I quickly made due with a local girl that I knew well. Two more weeks went by. It was now clear Gwen and her boyfriend were together and she likely had given him what he wanted. And then I received a call from her.

"Hi, John, remember me? Gwen?"

"Of course. I hoped you would call but had just about given up."

"Yeah, well I had some things to get done. By the way, Mike and I broke up. I was hoping to do some more skiing before the season ends. You going to be around next weekend? We could meet up."


She drove out from Denver and we met at the ski school area. "I didn't realize that you were a ski instructor. That's why you are so good. Maybe you could help me improve my form."

I would like to read all kinds of things into that statement, all relating to sex.

We were on a lift ten minutes after opening. She was good and we did middle to harder blacks. My personal favorite are the moguls, the bumps. She liked them too but had a bit of control problem. Putting on my instructor's hat I helped her correct a few things.

We made the most of some new snow, following each other's tracks down through the bumps. We stopped for a quick pee break, then back at it. I was having a great time but was also wondering what, if anything, might happen later. We broke for lunch and talked.

"I need to ask, what's your situation with Mike? You said you broke up?"

"Yeah, two weeks ago, just after we were here. I decided I was ready but not on birth control and insisted he wear a condom. He didn't have one and said he would pull out. That weekend was mid-point in my cycle and I knew for sure I would get pregnant. He didn't seem to care and I belatedly realized all he wanted was sex. That was the last time I saw him.

"And since then?"

"I went to the CU health clinic and got set up with birth control. I'm ready for sex and decided I want you. You do still want me, don't you?"

I hugged her tightly. "Gwen, you are quite the girl. Beautiful, sexy, smart. I know this must sound stupid but two days of skiing and I am already very attracted to you."

She kissed me hard on the lips and laughed. "I suspect you are attracted to lots of young girls. That's ok. I like that you have experience. How about we skip this afternoon's skiing and have some fun?" she asked with a shy smile.

"We can go to my family's cabin, it's about fifteen miles away. They don't ski anymore and so it doesn't get used much, except in the summer. That's where I'm staying.

"Oh, this is very nice. I was imagining some little one-room cabin with no electricity, and worse, no bathroom. Three bedrooms, fireplace, wow!"

"My folks built it about 25 years ago and we came out here all the time when I was growing up.

"Oh my, your cock is big, much bigger than Mike's. I'll try to suck it but don't know how well I can do."

"Don't worry, honey, just do what you can."

She had difficulty with my size but managed to take me about half way. Before I got too excited I asked her to stop. "Lay down, honey, and spread your legs. I want to eat your pussy."

She looked at me with big eyes. "Really, you'll do that? My girlfriends all tell me that is the greatest."

"I like to do it. So Mike never did this to you?"

"Oh, no. I sucked him and he fingered me a little. That's all."

I snuggled between her legs and spread her lips apart. "You have a beautiful pussy, nice smooth lips."

"I shaved down there yesterday, special for you. My girlfriends said I should do it. Do you like how I look?"

"God, yes. I can see your hymen just a couple inches inside."

"Oh, can you see it? Take a picture, I want to remember this moment."

Sure, why not. I got out my phone and zoomed in. "Spread your lips apart. Good. OK, your virginal pussy is preserved for posterity. I'll send it to you."

"Keep your phone handy and take some more, especially when you have your thing in me. OK?"

"Sure. Now I eat your pussy." I worked my tongue up and down her slit, then fucked her hole with the tip. In and out, up and down. She responded by wiggling her ass up and down, working her pussy against my face. A few minutes later she had her first-ever orgasm.

"Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh ... ," she clenched my head between her legs and held me tightly. "Oh, my, I've never felt anything like that. John, you have a magic tongue!"

Her pussy was dripping with orgasmic lubrication and now was the time.

"Roll over, I'm going to do you from behind." I rubbed my cock head between her lips to get it all slippery, then lined it up at her hole.

"You ready, honey? This might hurt a little."

"I know but I want you. Put it in me."

I pushed until I felt my cock touch her hymen. I backed out an inch, held her hips, and shoved past her barrier. She let out a screech and tensed up. I held still.

"Oh, that hurt!"

"Do you want me to pull out?"

"No, just don't move for a little bit. I'll be ok. Take a picture."

I waited almost a minute and then moved my cock in and out just a little, maybe half an inch. I gradually increased the depth of each push until I was using about half of my cock.

"How you doing, honey?"

"Pretty good, it's not hurting hardly at all. Are you mostly in?"

"No, only half way. Should I do more?"

"Uh, huh. I want all of you. Oh, maybe I asked for too much," she giggled as I bottomed out. "You are really big."

Slowly, slowly I moved in and out, now using full strokes. Her pussy was freely lubricating, a really good sign. I didn't know how long it might take for her to orgasm or even if she would this second time. Gradually I picked up the pace.

"Don't forget to take some more pictures. I want to see what your big cock looks like in my little pussy." I took a couple and then switched to video.

"Oh, John, I can't believe how good this feels. I'm going to come again."

Her vagina muscles clenched and milked my cock as she climaxed. Good! I rapidly thrust into her and moments later filled her with my cum.

"Oh, I can feel you do that! Warm. Oh, honey..."

I rolled her onto her side, spooning, my cock still inside. I cupped her pussy with one hand and her breasts with another and we stayed pressed together until my cock had shrunk down.

We skied until lunch the next day. Gwen said her pussy was sore but would be fine later. "I really want to enjoy that big cock of yours again," she promised.

Our second time was joyful and no first time worries. We reached my cabin at two and were fucking fifteen minutes later. An hour later we cleaned up and went to early dinner. At five we were back in bed.

"I have to be going, John. I have a three hour drive ahead of me."

She kissed me hard on the lips, pressing her body tight to me for a long minute. "What a great lover you are! This has been the most exciting weekend of my life," she enthused as she hugged me and jumped into her car. "Make sure you send those pictures and video to me. Maybe I can get back up here next weekend. Will you be here?"

"Waiting for you, honey."

I forwarded the files and expected to hear from her but next weekend came and went, as did the second one. Now I was worried and decided I better call.

"Oh, hi, John. I should have called you. I didn't make it up there."

"I was concerned. Everything ok? Did you get the pictures and video?"

"Oh, yeah. I was almost embarrassed to look at them. I mean, how many girls have before and after pictures? After I got back home and realized what we did, I felt really guilty. But a few days later I was already wanting to see you again. And then Mike called. He was nice, gracious, and apologetic for being such a clod and that made me feel really bad. I mean, for years I expected him to be the one.

"No, don't say anything. You didn't take advantage of me, John. I wanted to do it and you were so perfect. I will remember always every moment. And besides," she giggled, "I have those pictures."

"Anyway, Mike and I went out on a date. He was as nice as could be and it made me feel even worse. As we got into his car to take me home afterwards I leaned over and gave him a big kiss. I hugged him, tears in my eyes, and told him I was sorry for getting into an argument. We kissed some more and I placed my hand on his crotch.

"Let's go out tomorrow, honey. And bring a condom." He looked at me, big eyes, and nodded.

The next day we had sex. I didn't have the heart to tell him I wasn't a virgin. Since he had no experience I figured I could probably fake it. Naturally he wasn't good at doing me but, first time and all, I made allowances. Mike really loves me. We have been together for so long so I have to give this a try. I hope you will understand.

"One thing, John. Keep those pictures and video so you won't forget me."

I wished her the best of luck.
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